Episode #153 - The Frankfurt School - Walter Benjamin Pt. 2 - Distraction

Episode 153 - The Frankfurt School - Walter Benjamin Pt. 2 - Distraction

Key Takeaways:

  • Relevance of Walter Benjamin's Work Today: The podcast discusses Walter Benjamin's enduring relevance, especially his examination of the relationship between technological innovations and human subjectivity. It highlights how Benjamin's thoughts on the impact of traditional media (film, radio, TV) are applicable to contemporary technologies like the internet and smartphones.

  • Evolution of Storytelling and Mythology: Benjamin's analysis of storytelling's evolution is explored. Stories transitioned from being orally communicated in a collective setting to a more solitary activity with novels, following the invention of the printing press. This shift reflects the societal transition from collective to individualistic norms.

  • Impact of Film and Mass Media: The episode delves into Benjamin's perspective on cinema as a "training ground" for modern citizens, illustrating how film creates a collective yet distracted experience. This shift in art consumption, from contemplation to distraction, mirrors broader societal changes.

  • Art, Politics, and Technology in the Modern World: The podcast examines Benjamin's views on the politicization of art in the era of mass reproduction and how technology mediates our perception of reality. In a capitalist society, art becomes intertwined with politics and economics, altering its nature and purpose.

Recommended Reading

  • "Walter Benjamin's Archive: Images, Texts, Signs" by Walter Benjamin: This book offers a detailed portrait of Benjamin's intellectual world, including texts, commentaries, and fragments related to everyday life, art, and dreams.

  • "The Task of The Translator" by Walter Benjamin: An essay that delves into the theory and philosophy of translation. Benjamin argues that a good translation maintains the original's intent and spirit rather than its literal meaning, highlighting the artistic and cultural significance of translation.

See the full transcript here.

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I could never do this without your support! :)


Episode #154 - Pragmatism and Truth


Episode #152 - The Frankfurt School - Walter Benjamin Pt. 1